"The Dugout"
"The Elmont Post was organized and granted a charter by National Headquarters of The American Legion on March 15, 1931.
"The first home of the Post was known throughout the county and by the residents of Elmont as the Dugout, and it served as Post Headquarters for 33 lean years.
"Then, because of the rapid growth of new members it was decided that the Post erect a new building. Once again and through diligent efforts and unceasing sacrifice of the building committee and many Post members, enough money was raised to enable the Post to break ground on December 16, 1963. Seven months later, on April 6, 1964, American Legion Elmont Post 1033 held its first meeting at its new quarters.
"After a period of hard knocks and growing pains a new formula for the successful operations of the building was found."
John P. Tipping
Past National Vice Commander
The preceeding paragraphs were extracted from the Post Constitution and By-Laws booklet published in 1967.